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How Chewing on Your Fingernails Could Ruin Your Oral Health

Posted on 7/26/2021 by Fairmount Dental Center
How Chewing on Your Fingernails Could Ruin Your Oral HealthIt is not uncommon to see children and adults biting their nails. It is estimated that around 20% to 30% of the population are nail biters. Almost half of them are teenagers. It is important to recognize that nail-biting does not only affect the appearance of your nails, but this bad habit also affects your teeth.

How Nail Biting Affects Your Teeth

Nail-biting can damage your teeth. First, when you bite your nails, you are essentially forcing your teeth to break through the hard surface of your fingernail. This accelerates the wear on your teeth, especially the outer protective coating called enamel, and over time your teeth can wear down and chip. Second, continually biting through your fingernails and tearing pieces of your nail off can also lead to fractures in your teeth.

If you are an aggressive nail biter, your teeth are at great risk. Each time you chew on your nails, the force of that habit is transferred to the root of teeth and leads to root problems. In addition, the roots of your teeth anchor your teeth your gums. So, if you bite your nails, your teeth could shift as well as lead to tooth-root damage.

If you think about all the bacteria that accumulates underneath your fingernails and then imagine all those bacteria transferred into your mouth, you are allowing a lot of bacteria into your system. This could lead to a higher rate of infection in your mouth as well as in your body.

Take Action Steps to Stop Nail Biting

Call our friendly office staff to make your next appointment for a professional cleaning and exam. We would be happy to talk to you about ways to reduce your nail-biting, which will ultimately benefit your teeth.
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1524 Commercial St S.E.
Salem, OR 97302

p: (503) 362-8364

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Monday - Thursday
8:00 AM - 4:30 PM

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