There are times when despite taking good care of your teeth and following all the necessary dental care habits, your teeth become increasingly susceptible to issues like decay or cavities. Cavities are also known as tooth decay, a condition in which certain areas of your teeth have tiny holes or openings that need to be restored with the help of tooth fillings.
Since cavities aren't likely to repair on their own, dental fillings help repair the gaps or cracks in the teeth, and they also fill in the holes caused by tooth decay in order to regain the functionality of your teeth.
Take a look at the most common signs of dental cavities and that you require a tooth filling.
tooth sensitivity
pain in the teeth
cracked or broken existing filling
chipped or fractured tooth
food gets stuck in your teeth every time you eat
your tooth feels a little rough
the floss string breaks each time you try to floss your teeth
dark spots or holes in your teeth
experiencing pain when you chew food
you are able to feel a gap with your tongue in your teeth
Untreated Tooth Decay Can Lead to Serious Dental Issues
It is very important to understand that if tooth decay is left untreated, it can result in serious dental issues diseases. It's also possible that you may not experience any of the aforementioned symptoms, but you could still have dental cavities.
For this very reason, it's essential that you book an appointment with your dentist every few months to keep your teeth in shape and good health. If you think you require dental fillings, contact us at Fairmount Dental Center where Dr. Luisa Snyder and can help examine your teeth and then suggest you the right type of dental fillings for your teeth.
Dental Blog | Dentist Salem, OR | Fairmount Dental Center Fairmount Dental Center has created this dental blog to help patients and the community. Click to learn more about dental procedures, home care and more! Fairmount Dental Center, 1524 Commercial St. SE, Salem, OR 97302-4310; (503) 362-8364;; 2/2/2025; Key Phrases: dentist Salem OR;