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Tips for Taking Care of Your Teeth During Quarantine

Posted on 1/11/2021 by Fairmount Dental Center
Tips for Taking Care of Your Teeth During QuarantineQuarantined and isolated at home, you might not feel the need to keep up with oral hygiene habits. However, this is the time that you need to take care of your teeth the most. You don't want to risk a trip to the dentist just because you were feeling lazy to brush your teeth every night.

Here are a few tips to take care of your teeth during quarantine.

Brushing and Flossing

Brushing and flossing is a given regardless of any situation. However, now that you're at home and aren't in a rush to get to work on time or catch that bus, you should be more thorough with your brushing and flossing.

Brush your teeth twice a day, including your tongue. Floss at least once a day to make sure there aren't any food pieces lodged anywhere. You should also go ahead and try to incorporate a mouthwash into your routine for added protection.

Establishing a Healthy Diet

A healthy diet is important for not just your oral health but your overall immune system which needs to be extra strong during pandemic times. Therefore, cut out harmful foods and activities from your routine such as sugary beverages, alcohol, smoking, junk food, etc. Instead, incorporate healthier foods into your diet, especially dairy and proteins which are excellent for your teeth.

Drinking Plenty of Water

It might not seem like it but drinking plenty of water can also contribute to healthy teeth. Water helps keep your mouth moist which prevents the buildup of bacteria and infections. Moreover, water also helps wash away any existing bacteria, leftover food, etc. that could lead to dental problems.

Prevent Any Dental Emergencies

Most importantly, you should try to avoid any dental emergencies by practicing care and prudence. Be gentle while brushing your teeth. Avoid contact sports to prevent any tooth-knocking accidents. Don't use your teeth to open bottle caps or packets. Remember, it's always better to be safe than sorry.
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1524 Commercial St S.E.
Salem, OR 97302

p: (503) 362-8364

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8:00 AM - 4:30 PM

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