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How Myths About Root Canals Become Dangerous

Posted on 5/10/2019 by Fairmount Dental Center
How Myths About Root Canals Become DangerousYou have a tooth that is really painful, and you are worried that you might have to have a root canal. You may have had a friend, or a great aunt who had to have one, and they may have told you horror stories. You might be really worried about getting a root canal, because you have heard they are painful, take multiple visits to complete, and are expensive.

However, before you completely freak out about the possibility you might have to have a root canal, let us help to dispel a few myths about the procedure. This is important, because not getting treatment for a root canal is more dangerous than undergoing a root canal.

Three Common Myths About Root Canals

Perhaps the most common myth about root canals is that the procedure is painful. While it is true that when your great aunt had one in the past, the procedure was really painful, that is not the case now. Dentists can manage your pain so that you will not experience any more pain than if you got a cavity filled. In fact, you are bound to be in more pain from an infected tooth than you will be from a root canal.

Another myth about root canals is that the procedure causes illness. As with myth number one, while that may have been true in the past, dental procedures have improved so much that illness after a root canal doesn't happen. In fact, by getting rid of the infection, the dentist may actually prevent illness.

Also, while many people believe it is better to pull a tooth than to get a root canal, dentists believe that if you can save a natural tooth, you should. That's because replacing a natural tooth with a bridge or an implant might require more treatment than saving a natural tooth with a root canal.

If you have questions about root canals, or other dental procedures, why not give us a call? We would love to talk to you about your dental health.
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1524 Commercial St S.E.
Salem, OR 97302

p: (503) 362-8364

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8:00 AM - 4:30 PM

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