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Danger of Loose Teeth as an Adult
Dental Implants Salem

Posted on 5/23/2018 by Weo Admin
Image of gum disease in a patient's mouth, at Fairmount Dental Center.When you were a child, discovering a loose tooth was likely the source of excitement in your life. As an adult, it can be a scary find.

Our teeth are intended to last a lifetime, and when the teeth seem to be loose, you should be concerned for a dental problem. Immediate treatment is necessary in order to save your tooth.

Gum Disease

When you think of gum disease, you may think it simply involves bleeding gums. However, periodontal disease also affects the bone and ligaments that hold your teeth into place.

Gum disease is entirely preventable with proper oral hygiene and frequent dental cleanings, but if your dentist does discover you have the condition, treatment may be possible. Periodontal surgeries and deep cleanings can help manage the disease and can save your teeth.

Bone Conditions

Loose teeth might also indicate a bone condition, specifically osteoporosis. This condition causes the bones of the body to weaken, making them more prone to fracture.

When the density reduces around the teeth, they may become loose. Your dentist can recommend treatment options, and it is possible that a recommendation may be made to your physician.

Traumatic Injury

If you are in an auto or sport accident, or if you suffered any other type of injury to your face, your teeth may be loose. The connective tissue and ligaments that hold the teeth in their sockets could be stretched or damaged.

An accident of this type should be considered a dental emergency, and you need to get into the office right away. If your teeth are loose, shifting, or moving, it is never a good sign. At the first indication of a loose tooth, you need to talk to your dentist immediately. We are standing by to help you address your issue and to find a treatment option that will save your smile.

Map of Fairmount Dental Center - Salem Dentist

Our Office Address:

1524 Commercial St S.E.
Salem, OR 97302

p: (503) 362-8364

Business Hours:

Monday - Thursday
8:00 AM - 4:30 PM

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Fairmount Dental Center Green Plant - Salem Dentist
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Fairmount Dental Center, 1524 Commercial St. SE, Salem, OR 97302-4310 / (503) 362-8364 / / 2/7/2025 / Associated Words: dentist Salem OR /