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Common Ways of Relieving Dental Fears Before You Make an Appointment

Posted on 4/20/2018 by Fairmount Dental Center
Dental Fears Fairmount Dental Center OR 97302-4310About 40 million Americans avoid going to see their dentist because they suffer from dental phobia. There are various reasons behind this fear - ranging from a fear of pain to a person's thought that their dentist won't have time to address their concerns seriously.

Negative memories from the past, the sterile smell of the dentist's office, and interrupting your day are other reasons behind this form of anxiety. Regardless of the reason for your anxiety, it's important to find a way to work past it.

Common Ways of Relieving Dental Fears Before you Make an Appointment

When left unchecked, dental phobia can lead to oral health problems since you don't see your dentist. Of course, this can result in your need for more dental treatment.

For this reason, you should definitely schedule an appointment, but do so at a time when you're not feeling rushed or pressured. Saturday and early morning appointments work well for this.

Make sure you don't have any caffeine before arriving for your appointment. Instead, fill up on high-protein foods that will make you feel calm. Then, once you arrive, listen to some music instead of the sound of the dentist's drill.

As you do so, focus on breathing slowly throughout the appointment. Don't hold your breath as this will decrease your oxygen level and make you feel like panicking. This is why studies show that meditation also works well here.

At our office, we hope that you'll trust us enough to talk to us about your concerns. We want you to feel informed and in control throughout your visit, so you'll be a lot less anxious. While we may not be able to do away with all of your fear, hopefully, we can help you relax enough to visit us at least twice a year.
Map of Fairmount Dental Center - Salem Dentist

Our Office Address:

1524 Commercial St S.E.
Salem, OR 97302

p: (503) 362-8364

Business Hours:

Monday - Thursday
8:00 AM - 4:30 PM

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Fairmount Dental Center Green Plant - Salem Dentist
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