Both of these piercings are on the inside your mouth, which is a perfect medium for bacteria. But lip and tongue piercings have one more potential problem.
What Can Mouth Piercings Do?
A lot of people who get pierced on the lips or tongues at some point play with the jewelry with either their tongue, their teeth or their fingers. When you play with your jewelry you have to remember that it is made of metal.As the jewelry rubs against your teeth or get in the way as you chew you could chip your teeth. Clicking your jewelry repeatedly can also damage your teeth. If your jewelry has wires as you twist and turn them with your fingers they could get caught in between your teeth and again, could chip them.
Can Mouth Piercings Cause Other Problems?
When you pierce your lips or your tongue you open an entryway to bacteria. Your mouth is filled with bacteria, and if the bacteria get into your piercing, it can quickly get infected.This is because the mouth is moist, dark and warm which is the perfect medium for bacteria to grow in. If not treated promptly it could become life-threatening.
A tongue piercing can sometimes cause swelling and block off your airway. Piercings can damage your fillings, not just your teeth. Lip and tongue piercings can damage your gums. If they do that could lead to sensitive teeth. Your tongue piercing can also cause you to drool excessively because it increases saliva production.
Please contact our office if you have any questions about piercings effects on your oral health.