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What to Do When Your Veneers Become Stained

Posted on 10/15/2016 by Fairmount Dental Center
A woman happy with her dental veneers.
When you first get your porcelain veneers, they look great, and you undoubtedly love showing off your smile. However, over time, veneers can develop stains that can cause you to become self-conscious of your teeth. Here's what you can do if this happens to you.

Use polishing toothpaste. If the stain on your veneer is the result of normal wear and tear-meaning that it developed in response to your diet-you might be able to polish it off yourself using some of the whitening toothpastes available today.

Keep in mind that whitening products, such as bleaching gels, will not work on veneers or other dental work; however, if the stain is on the surface because of your diet, you might be able to polish it off.

Go see your dentist. If the stain is not responding to your own efforts, you really should make an appointment to see your dentist. This is because the stain could be the result of what is known as microleakage. This condition exists when there is a very small gap between the veneer and your tooth.

Bacteria can get into this gap and produce the stain that you see. This condition is of particular concern because these bacteria will eventually begin to cause your tooth to decay, so you need to go see your dentist as quickly as you can so they can address the situation.

If you do not have microleakage, and if the staining does not respond to your own efforts, your dentist can very gently polish the veneer using special equipment in order to remove the stain. Doing this will make it look like new again.

Remember to care for your veneer like you would your regular teeth: you must brush and floss regularly to keep it looking good. If you have an issue with your veneer, contact our office today!
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1524 Commercial St S.E.
Salem, OR 97302

p: (503) 362-8364

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8:00 AM - 4:30 PM

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