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6 Fascinating Facts about Smiling

Posted on 6/20/2016 by Fairmount Dental Center
A woman happy with her newly repaired smile.You've probably heard that laughter is the best medicine, and it makes sense - smiling can boost your mood. Even if you are feeling down in the dumps, forcing a smile can instantly help to lift your spirits. There is a lot more to smiling than meets the eye, so keep reading to learn a few more fascinating facts about your smile.

Smiling Can Keep You Healthy

Did you know that smiling can actually boost your immune system? When you smile, you will be more relaxed, which will ultimately lead to better health and a stronger immune system.

Smiling Can Relieve Stress

When you smile, your body will release endorphins that can help you to release stress and feel better. These endorphins are similar to the rush that you get when you exercise.

It Really Is Easier to Smile than to Frown
This isn't something that motivational speakers just say to clients to keep them positive. Research has actually shown that your body will need to work harder in order to frown than smile. That's because more muscles are used to create a frown.

You're Born Knowing How to Smile
Babies learn most of their behaviors from watching the people around them, but smiling isn't one of them. Researchers believe that all babies are born knowing how to smile.

Women Tend to Smile More than Men
Women tend to smile more than men in general, but when they participate in similar social or work roles, these smile levels even out. However, girl babies tend to smile more than boy babies, and they also make more eye contact.

Smiles Are Contagious
Researchers have found that smiling really is contagious. According to a study completed in Sweden, people had a hard time frowning when they looked at other people who were smiling.

Keep your smile healthy and bright - contact our office to set up your next checkup.
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