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How Many Dental Implants Do I Need To Replace My Teeth?

Posted on 12/5/2022 by Fairmount Dental Center
How Many Dental Implants Do I Need To Replace My Teeth?The specific criteria for tooth replacement might vary significantly from patient to patient. When you see an implant dentist, you can anticipate receiving a treatment plan tailored to your preferences to fulfill all of your therapeutic requirements. The number of implants you will need will be one of the primary considerations that will be given attention throughout the procedure.

Even the loss of a single tooth may result in dental issues since it causes the teeth in the surrounding area to change position. A single dental implant and crown restoration will be necessary to bridge this gap.

Implants are often required if two or three teeth need to be replaced. This involves the placement of two implants. Your dentist will also design a unique bridge. A bridge is a single gadget that incorporates two or more porcelain teeth. As a means of producing a grin that is long-lasting and resilient, it will be firmly attached to the implant.

Consult Your Dentist To Know Which Implants Suit You

It may seem straightforward, considering the number of teeth missing from your mouth, how many implants you will need to have installed, and the operation that will be most effective. A word of caution, however, is that the overarching state of your dental health may result in a one-of-a-kind circumstance. It is highly recommended that you consult with an implant dentist to get unambiguous guidance and eliminate any potential for misinterpretation. You will be provided with a plan outlining the most effective steps.

Get In Touch With Us

Reach out to us if you're missing teeth, and we will help you determine whether dental implants or another surgery might be best to restore your smile. To speak with one of our specialists over the phone or through email, no clinic referral is necessary.
Map of Fairmount Dental Center - Salem Dentist

Our Office Address:

1524 Commercial St S.E.
Salem, OR 97302

p: (503) 362-8364

Business Hours:

Monday - Thursday
8:00 AM - 4:30 PM

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Fairmount Dental Center Green Plant - Salem Dentist
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Fairmount Dental Center, 1524 Commercial St. SE, Salem, OR 97302-4310 • (503) 362-8364 • • 2/2/2025 • Page Keywords: dentist Salem OR •